Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Habits

I am not making sweeping resolutions this year. Last year I did well. I didn't reach my initial goal of running 500 miles but I met my adjusted goal of running/walking/hiking/swimming/biking/rowing/etc 1000 miles!

While I was thinking about this year's goals I found an article about setting 12 small goals throughout the year, one each month. Goals that will become habits, small changes. The point is that if you choose achievable habits you won't be so overwhelmed with sweeping changes so you won't be setting yourself up for failure. I like that idea but thinking of 12 goals now is overwhelming. Plus I think part of the beauty of 12 small goals is that it can be fluid, as your life changes you can adjust your goals accordingly. An unpredicted injury prevented me from achieving my 500 miles of running last year. 12 little goals will give me the freedom to adjust my goals as my body and life changes.

So I'm starting the year with a goal to run a marathon. Training started on Jan 1. So January's goal is to get to the gym/exercise 4-5 times a week with a minimum of 30 minutes for each visit. 5 days into the year and I'm happy to report that I've run 3 days so far with plans to go tomorrow and Saturday to reach my 5 days! My 2 "off" days this week were sent running around theme parks so it's not like I was a total slug but my new habit is to focus on a concerted effort to burn calories, anything beyond that (like spending a day outside being active) is just a bonus!

What are your plans for 2012?

I think it would be pretty sweet if I beat my numbers from 2011. I think it should be easy if I maintain the exercising 4-5 days a week!

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