Sunday, September 18, 2011


Third post of the night, woo hoo! I hope it took you a few days to get caught up so you won't be disappointed when it takes me a week or so to update this if you haven't read the other 2 posts yet, stop after this one and come back tomorrow (all of the posts kind of stand on their own and you can read them out of order...)

So, this one will be short and sweet (sorry!) but thought provoking on your end...

I won't make my goal of running a marathon before I turn 27 (I really only gave myself a week of slack between when I planned to run it and my 27th birthday...oops) but that doesn't mean I won't run a marathon soon! I need to find another one to train for.

Any one have any suggestions? My only requirements are:

1. It has to be at least 24 weeks from now. Most training plans are at least 18 weeks and assume you are running 8-9 miles on your long runs...I'm not there yet!
2. It has to be fun
3. It has to be affordable

Suggest away! :)

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